Add Humor
Be Intentional about it.
The world is their stage, and through social media we are a society that now “shares” anything that makes us laugh, think, or feel good about ourselves. A caricature, an improvisational interaction that makes the learning play, or even props that support your message in a memorable way are great vehicles to forward your agenda and expand it beyond the event’s doors and timeframe.
Make Humor Part of Your Wellness Program!
Stress constricts blood vessels, Laughter opens them. Any crisis brings with it a greater need to be able to deal with it effectively. To think of an alternative way of thinking, that eases the mind. Teaching the art of “seeing” humor to your staff or managers will improve relationships and the willingness to communicate productively.
Humor Motivates
You can get more with a carrot than a stick, the saying goes. Criticism is easier to take when it is wrapped in encouragement. Add humor and a positive can do attitude will follow. Humor brings something of the element of surprise into a situation, which encourages creativity.