Posted by & filed under Caricature.

Am I afraid to start? Or am I “exploring my options”.  I’ve  talked big and have a hundred ideas and directions to go…it’s time to deliver something meaningful.

I am battling the disease of distraction – which swings the attention away from my list (YES, I have a list!) that is essential to reaching the “goal”.  It is easier to clean the bird cage, make a “quick stop” in that thrift store, call an old friend and the day is done..never getting to the core of what needed to be done.  I don’t focus – unless someone is holding a stick over my head.  why?  Perhaps…FEAR.

In short, this self-sabotage may be because at some level, I don’t think I’m funny enough, organized enough….whatever enough. If I do non-essentials – the instant gratification of those “accomplishments” puts a band-aid on something that needs much more than tChurchhillhat.  I need to dispense with “the” FEAR, and FOCUS!

It is hard to feel fearful, when you are inspired. I’m planning on hanging around with those who are fearless.  Or, if they are fearful, they push through it.  I spent a few minutes with Winston Churchill here…(a man who wore polka dot bow ties) And as I battle to focus and have to over, and over again pull myself back to the priorities I find myself saying aloud…in as english an accent as I can manage…

NEVA, NEVA, NEVA give up….

(Excerpt from Psychology Today April 1, 2013)

We can use humor to put our fears into perspective. Humor addresses the same issues as fear, not to dismiss them, but to strengthen our ability to confront them and then laugh them away from the door.

Humor is, of course, the one thing that fear cannot abide: Laughter banishes anxiety, and can help replace fear. Laughter is a testament to courage, or at least a manifestation of the wish for it, and courage is stronger than fear. We need a strong and healthy dose of focused humor in our lives every day.

Now back to work!!!

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