When drawing Caricatures at an event, there are good ones…and bad ones at every gig, resulting usually in one of two responses: I Love my Caricature! I Hate my Caricature.
I’m often stunned that most have a hardwired memory (akin to a major life event ie, their marriage day or 911) of where they were and what they were doing and how they felt when they were subjected to their first caricature…IF it was connected with an intense emotional experience. Being in the hot seat is awkward. I stare at you (impolite, I know)…but I always have fun with my subjects and I am such a people please-er I cannot draw at well until we are both at ease. The subject, myself, and the spectators have often had the good fortune to have tears streaming – with laughter – sometimes before, or when the caricature done. Spectators get more excitedly impatient as the picture nears completion. Timing of that turn of the page for the “move that bus” reveal can cause an explosion of hilarity..and imprint a forever memory.
Do they remember the drawing? Or the Experience? Are the two intertwined? I’m really curious, so if you have been drawn by me…(and I know there are thousands of you out there!) and have a “Kyle Edgell” caricature
• Send me a quick snapshot of your Kyle Edgell Caricature via e-mail or on my facebook page “Kyle Caricatures”.
• Share my post (on facebook) with your friends as they may have a Kyle Edgell original lurking framed in the den or hung askew on the refrigerator (either way, I’m grateful they kept it)
• Tell me when and where you were subjected to a caricature, and how it made you feel. I’d love to hear – and share – the moment again with you.
The oldest caricature, or best response to this post will receive a FREE CARICATURE UPGRADE of your pets or children…Submit by April 1, 2015.
Looking forward to your feedback. Good or Bad. The anticipation is killing me.